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Kristin Becker

Was ist GAPP? What is GAPP?

GAPP exchanges are rooted in long-term school partnerships and so become part of the communities in which the schools are located. The mutual short-term exchanges take place in regular intervals between German and US schools. Groups of 10-20 students visit their partner school for at least 2 weeks and stay with the families of their exchange partner during this time. Has a short-term exchange been established, individual students may also spend a semester or a full academic year at their partner school.

Most GAPP groups travel every year or every other year. This way, the international visits become a well-known fixture in the communities and not only participating students, families, and teachers benefit from the reciprocal and regular visits, but also school administrations, local media and public figures. They all get acquainted with the international visitors and their culture, which not only broadens horizons but leads to intercultural understanding and openness that lasts a life-time.


Das German American Partnership Program (GAPP) fördert seit 1983 langfristige Schulpartnerschaften zwischen Schulen in Deutschland und den USA durch eine Förderung gegenseitiger Austauschbegegnungen von Schülergruppen.

Die Schülerinnen und Schüler lernen durch die Integration in den Unterricht des Gastlandes und in Gastfamilien sowie durch einen themen- bzw. projektorientierten Austausch interkulturell bedingte Wege der Problemlösung kennen, es werden Erfahrungen im Umgang mit unterschiedlichen Sichtweisen vertieft und oftmals kulturelle Schranken überwunden.

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